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Energy-Saving & Discharge-Reduction Appeared Good Trend in صنعت سیمان منطقه دلتا چانگ جیانگ
    تا نوامبر سال جاری، 56 کارخانه سیلندر کوره شفت بسته شده است ژجیانگ استان 68 شرکت در جیانگسو استان. تخمین زده می شود که امسال 24 میلیون تن کوره شفت و سایر سیلندرها در این دو استان تولید شود. از ژانویه تا نوامبر، حجم تولید سیلندر سیمان در استان های جیانگ سو و ژجیانگ 12 و 10 درصد کاهش می یابد و تخمین زده می شود که حجم تولید سیلندر سیمان در سال جاری 15 میلیون تن از این دو استان کاهش یابد. 
    Changjiang منطقه دلتا است چین’s largest cement production و consumption base. 10 2006, the cement cylinder production volume in شانگهای, جیانگسو, ژجیانگ و Wuhu, Tongling, An’qing, Xuancheng, Chizhou etc cities in the south of Hunan province, amounts to 184 million tons, 21% of national total volume, cement production volume is 240 million tons, 19.4% of national total volume; total energy consumption in cement production is 24.5 million tons of stوard coal, 18.7% of national cement manufacture; total coal consumption in cement production is 30.24 million tons, 18.5% of national cement manufacture; wasted air discharge total volume 697.2 billion stوard m3 , 17.1% of national cement manufacture wasted air discharge volume; 0.112 million tons of SO2, 10.8% of national volume, 0.62 million tons of discharged power و smoke, 10.9% of national volume. 
    در سال 2007، حجم تولید سیلندر در جیانگسو و ژجیانگ has declined; however, their cement production volume was increased by 6.1% و 4.7% respectively. The cement cylinder in شانگهایجیانگسو و ژجیانگ are mostly provided by cement enterprises in An’hui, جیانگشی, و هوبِی, these Changjiang River Bank cities. The cylinder production in An’hui province has increased by 10 million tons this year. Wuhu, Tongling, An’qing, Xuancheng, Chizhou etc cities in the south of Hunan province by using the advantages of recourse و convenient Changjiang golden transportation, the cylinder production in 2006 was 47.21 million tons, 35 million tons of with were sent out of delta و چین. Till November of 2007, the cylinder production volume in south of Huibei kept increasing, up to 48.23 tons, increase by 20%, و 37 million tons of which are sent out delta و چین. It can be said that the promoted production in An’hui و south of هوبِی replaced that of جیانگسو و ژجیانگ provinces. 
    The cylinder production location changing in Changjiang Delta has its resource reason و economy reason. Since 2004, the cement enterprise in شانگهای, جیانگسو و ژجیانگ have bought the coal at very high prices, و ژجیانگ bought the coal at the highest price in the country, at price of 570 Yuan above per ton. جیانگسو شرکت ها سیمان را با قیمت حدود 500 یوان در هر تن از سال 2004 خریداری کردند. شرکت ها در جیانگسو و ژجیانگ have bought coal at prices 80~130 Yuan higher than that of surrounding places. As the high economic development, the people’s salary in جیانگسو و ژجیانگ بسیار بالاتر از مکان های اطراف بود. در سال 2006، حقوق و دستمزد در شانگهای was about 29000 Yuan per year, و the جیانگسو و ژجیانگ have also arrived 21000 و 16000 RMB respectively. Through comprehensive calculation, the cost of cement production in ژجیانگ و جیانگسو 20 ~ 25 یوان در هر تن بالاتر از مکان های اطراف خواهد بود. اخیرا، ژجیانگ cement companies’ capital was invested in آنهوییجیانگشیشانگشیچینگهایلیائونینگ، Heinongjiang و غیره Nanfeng، Shangfeng، Sanshi و غیره شرکت های سیمان بزرگ در ژجیانگ has established cement cylinder و cement providing base in جیانگشی Jiujiang, آنهویی Tongling و Xuchen. The cement industry in شانگهای has been declined continuously, only several large-sized cement enterprises و cement grinding station left. After the fast development since 2004, the cement industry in ژجیانگ و جیانگسو مدت زیادی است که متوقف شده است.
    Cement cylinder production location exchanging is the result of cement production specialization و socialization, the result of the activities of large-size cement companies. In the cylinder production in هوبِی district companies, the new type dry process takes 96.57 percentage; Sanshi, Shangfeng, Tongxing و Hailuo etc, 4 large-size cement enterprises in ژجیانگ و An’hui controlled 90% of the cylinder production in this district. The stوard coal consumption of the cement enterprises in south of هوبِی پایین تر از 110 کیلوگرم/ton, much lower than national stوard, و the discharging of SO2 was 0.42 کیلوگرم/ton, firstly get the requirement of Air Polluting Discharging Stوar of Cement Industry before 2010. Only if they implement the policy و environment protection stوard, it is possible to make air pollution in the south of هوبِی keep present level. The cement industry in جیانگسو و ژجیانگ must follow the trend of development, keep on take away backward productivity, forbid to establish plants in the place without limestone, make و implement the local stوard with will be stricter than Air Polluting Discharging Stوard of Cement Industry. Chiangjiang River Delta, the largest cement production و consumption base, can be able to reduce the polluted air discharging. The cement industry in Zhujiang River Delta و Bo Sea surrounding districts have also appeared such phenomena. If the local governmental supervising department follows the economy circulating regulation, strictly implement environment protecting stوard, the reduction of main polluting air discharging in the cement industry can be realized.

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