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From December 1st to 31st, the Hainan provincial development and revolutionary department will give the limited price of the cement to sell, to control the almost crazed increasing of cement price.
   Since the August, the cement price in the market appeared strange movement, with large scale of increasing trend. At present, the market price for the cement has been reached 700 Yuan per ton, more than twice of the same period in last year, at the level of highest in the country. Take the 32.5 intensity common silicate cement as a example, the average price in Hainan market in October 30th is 655 Yuan per ton, which is 360 Yuan and 322 Yuan higher than the closer province Guangxi and Guangdong. The crazing increase of the cement price in Hainan has affected the development of economy and society in the province. 
   With the agreement of the Hainan government, the provincial development and revolutionary department decided the give a temperately involvement in the cement industry for one month. According to the Emergent Notice of the Political Involvement on the Cement Price which was announced by Hainan provincial development and revolutionary department on October 30th, the ex-factory price for the 42.5 intensity common silicate cement should not exceed 400 Yuan, and the ex-factory price for the 32.5 intensity common silicate cement should not exceed 380. In the meanwhile, control difference price in the distribution circulation of cement, basing on the price of the ex-factory and FOB price from other province, wholesale difference should be no more than 15%. The provincial price department will start price supervision alarming system, which will implement the daily supervision policy to the cement market.
برای حل وضعیت کمبود عرضه سیمان در جزیره، دولت هاینان یک کمیته دائمی را در 30 اکتبر باز می کند و مطالعه می کند و تصمیم می گیرد برخی از اندازه گیری های سیاسی را برای تشویق سیمان خارج از جزیره انجام دهد: اولا ارائه یک جاده سبز برای سیمان برای ورود به جزیره، ارائه کشتی های حمل و نقل سیمان حق حمل سیمان و ارائه بهترین خدمات برای حمل و نقل سیمان؛ ثانیا، به طور معتدل متوقف شوید تا پول ویژه سیمان فله را برای سیمان کیسه ای وارد کنید.
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