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 At 4 o’clock pm on October 30th, in the Huangshi seventh cement factory which locates in Laohemiao village in Xialu town in Hubei Hungshi, the operator closed the feeding valve, and the burning furnace fire gradually been put out.  
   در ساعت ۹:۱۶ صبح، در کارخانه سیمان فلزی غیر اهنی دایه، پس از قطع تجهیزات تخلیه هوا در موتورخانه و افتادن به زمین، ابری از گرد و غبار بوجود امده است. در زیر کوره شفت، برخی از کارگران در حال برچیدن بخش های پایه کوره با مته ضربه برخی از شستشو و طبقه بندی دنده برچیده شده است.
   در ساعت ۱۰:۰۵ صبح، در بالای کوره شفت کارخانه هفتم سیمان Huangshi، کارگر برش اولین ساختار فولادی قطع شده را به اسانسور تخلیه کرد و اسانسور را به ارامی تماشا کرد. نگاهی به تجهیزاتی که سالها با انها همراه بوده است، برخی از کارگران قدیمی
   “The two shaft kilns are the last two in our district. Before this, we have closed Huangshi Third Cement Factory, Huangshi Fifth Cement Factory etc three small cement factories. After close this two enterprises, there will be no shaft kilns in Xialu town” the planning counting deputy director general of price bureau in Xialu town, Chengze zhang told the journalist.
   کارخانه سیمان Yue فلز غیر اهنی Daye در سال 1973 تاسیس شد، تا کنون کاملا 680 کارگر در انجا اختصاص داده شده است. هفتمین کارخانه سیمان در سال 1983 با 160 کارگر تاسیس شد. و تولید سالانه این دو کارخانه حدود 25 تن بود که بیش از 50 میلیون تن ارزش داشت که یکی از بزرگترین مالیات ها بود.
   Since the February of this year, the government has given the emergent inform that closing small cement plant, and clear confirm that the plant which with the production lower than 0.1 million tons will be closed completely in 2007. Facing up to the policy, the leaders in the Xialu government make a discussion. Whether to close the Jinyue and Qishui cement plants? As for the standard, the two plants’ production was above 0.1 million tons, which means it can not be closed down in this year; as for the contribution, the two plants have offered considerable tax volume to the government. But, what are the opinions of the people? For this, the government has organized people to make research to the surrounding people, and the result show that the people has all given a problem of the pollution of the cement plant. It is counted that, the discharging dust power in the air amounted over 600 tons per year, over 230 tons of SO2, and the demand for the coal and power are extremely large.    
    به نفع مردم، تعطیل کنید. دولت شهر به سرعت دو گروه شغلی را در شرکت های جینیو و Qishui سازماندهی کرد، از انها خواست تا سیاست نسبی را مطالعه کنند و تحقیق کنند و در مورد نظر خود بدانند و به انها کمک کنند تا مشکل دشوار را پس از تعطیلی شرکت ها حل کنند.   
    “Today’s dismantle means tomorrow’s reborn, we would establish a new energy saving and environment protecting project in this place” said the general manger of this Jinyue company. He told the journalist that: from 27th October, the company has started the stop the operation of the shaft kiln, and after the dismantlement the company will invest tens of million to start products revision and revolution. Accordingly, the Seventh Water will also make revolution, and add low energy environment protective projects.
    The statistic show that, from the first season to the third, the energy cost of enterprises in the Xialu town has lower 12%, and 17% for the main energy consumption enterprise, high above the City’s level and requirements
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